Relationship Between Erectile Dysfunction and Alcohol

The position of alcohol in human society has always been unpredictable. In the era of prohibition, alcohol was considered the “devil in liquid form” and now studies indicate that moderate amounts of alcohol could actually be beneficial to overall health.

There are many questions on the effect of alcohol consumption on sexual health and the potential of the drink to interfere with libido and climax scenarios. Erectile dysfunction is probably the most common sexual dysfunction among men in the United States with about 300,000 cases diagnosed every year in addition to the vast majority of unreported cases.

To understand the relationship between alcohol and erectile dysfunction, the process of achieving an erection needs to be understood. The brain is stimulated through physical (touch) and sensory perceptions and it directs the muscles of the penis to relax and this enhances blood flow to the penis.

The pressure exerted by the incoming blood expands the penis, thereby creating an erection. The ability to maintain the erection depends on the capacity of the penile muscles to hold the blood for a certain period.

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What this 75 year old knows about rock hard stiffness at ANY age?

While half of all men over 40 are suffering severe cases of failure to stiffen up in bed… 75 year old Tom can stay rock hard as long as he wants. And he has no trouble pleasing his wife night after night (and even in the mornings).

But it’s NOT because Tom is taking some dangerous and artificial chemical pill… has sky-high testosterone… or is a genetic freak of nature. No.

Instead, it’s because this 75 year old drinks a simple, delicious “tonic” every day that destroys the root cause of soft bedroom performances in men — allowing him to stiffen up on demand. And today, he’s revealing the recipe to this potent “hardwood tonic”. It’s a handful of natural ingredients you can find at your local store, today. 

So, if you want to NEVER have trouble getting it up again… then check out the recipe here (while you still can): Simple tonic gives 75 year old Tom rock hard stiffness on demand (takes just 60 seconds to make)